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Facts About Cockroaches

Cockroaches are insects from phylum arthropod. Some of the species are found in Human habitats and are considered pests causing harmful effects. They are carriers of various diseases as they are generally found near kitchen or places where waste materials are deposited. Cockroaches thrive near human food, places where food is available, such as kitchen, restaurants, hotels, food shops, catering places. They produce an unpleasant odour.

Type of Cockroaches

Cockroaches can be of following types.

American Cockroach
Brown banded cockroach
German cockroach
Madagascar hissing cockroach
Oriental Cockroach
Smoky brown cockroach

The facts you should Know

The Cockroaches are major threats to your home and family health. They can enter your home through cracks and other opening, sewer pipes, drain pipes, etc. They are present in groceries and storage of food materials. Cockroaches thrive in plenty of food, warmth, and water. Human residences are ideal places for them. Cockroaches reproduce very fast, They reproduce while hiding.

Cockroaches are nocturnal insects, they come out at night only. Day time visibility of cockroaches are warning signs for residents because they are pushed out of their habitats by other cockroaches due to overcrowding.

Diseases Caused by cockroach

cockroaches leave waste wherever they are present. This produces severe allergies in humans, specially in children.

The most common factor triggering asthma in humans are cockroaches. The debris, dead skin, unique of cockroaches are mainly responsible for causing asthma in humans specially in old and young people.

Food poisoning
A very common ailment caused by cockroaches as they live on human food.

Respiratory tract infections
The debris of cockroach result into respiratory tract infection in human beings including bronchitis, pneumonia and even tuberculosis.

Skin infections
These infection are as a result of allergy condition caused by cockroaches. Sometimes they are very difficult to cure.

Repeated infection
Cockroaches cause repetition of infections as resident humans become very susceptible to diseases caused by cockroaches.

The Cockroaches and it’s eggs are very well protected from commonly available cockroach killing sprays. They are not at all effective in termination cockroaches. You have to take helps of professional pest control service to get ride of cockroaches for a long time.
